Sunday, November 15, 2009

One Tour Ends, Another Begins.

My apologies for being so remiss in updating the blog. Just last week, we closed our Anne Frank and Henny Penny tours. We had great runs of both. We went as far away as Wisconsin and Minnesota, and performed for all kinds of audiences in all kinds of spaces. We're actually headed back to Wisconsin after Thanksgiving to perform our holiday show for them - and I think we're all excited, despite the drive. The Shauer Arts Center in Hartford, WI is a really nice space with a really nice staff. The week that we went to Wisconsin with Anne Frank/Henny Penny was very taxing, with lots of performing bookended nearly every day by lots and lots of driving. 

We performed in spaces great and small, from a preschool classroom to huge state-of-the-art performing arts centers. We had lots of fun and fielded lots of interesting questions from kids. Repeat questions (those that we were almost guaranteed to get every day) included:
- Who made your costumes? (Henny Penny)
- How do you change clothes so fast? (Henny Penny/Anne Frank)
- What's it like playing multiple characters? (Anne Frank)
- How old is the girl playing Anne in real life? (Anne Frank)
- How does the fox jump so high? (Henny Penny)

One of my personal favorites came during a Henny Penny question-and-answer. We called on a little girl in the front who stated, very confidently, that Kevin should have been the fox and Stevyn should have been the duck. I do believe we may have had a future casting director in our midst!

We're now in rehearsals for The Fantastic Toy Shoppe. We're getting to rehearse in TCTC's brand new practice space! We started rehearsals on Friday, and things are going full swing! It's a fun, feel-good show with a fun, brightly-colored set. It's going to be interesting only having one show to carry in the van at a time!

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